Lose weight with a balance of medication, diet, exercise and the right combination of vital nutrients.
We are currently providing a weight loss injection as well as a diet pill and diuretic.
- Schedule an appointment
- At your scheduled appointment your blood will be drawn for a Complete Metabolic Panel and your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
- Fast for 12 hours prior to bloodwork.
- Lab Fee: $100 (includes bloodwork and EKG if necessary)
Weight loss options
- Choose between a weekly injection or a monthly supply.
- You may have your first injection on the same day as your blood draw.
- Starting at ONLY $50 per injection.
Diet Pill & Diuretic
- If you choose to do the diet pill, you would need to have an EKG done as well.
- You will need to take a diet pill every day, and a diuretic twice a week.
- The diet pill will curve your appetite, so no more midday snacking.
- The diuretic is used to help with shedding some excess water weight.
- All labs must be done every 6 months to make sure nothing is being affected from the medications.
- The process is simple, come in and get weighed either every week or every month.
- Make sure you stay hydrated with either option you choose.
- We do recommend taking a shot of B12 to help keep your energy up as well! But hey, when you lose weight, you get energized.